I blame my mother.
I mean, it's a sweet woman and I love them, but somehow they let me
get to 30 full years on this planet continue to believe that
Ostriches bury their heads in the sand (even me to believe
that Santa Claus exists until an awkward age, and filled my
Head with strange ideas about the Easter Bunny and classical
Economic theory. As I said, she is sweet.)
The ostrich, which is a lie, of course. . . a myth in pop culture
committed byTex Avery cartoons and science teachers who are not
believe in evolution (since each group, which has * really * bury
Head in the sand would be quickly eaten right.)
What does * really * a group, if it feels threatened it is football
hard-mouthed and run. . . Quickly.
But still, every day I meet other experts and smart business
Owners and marketers who seem to run their business on "mythical
Ostrich Marketing Theory. . . "
What the hell does it meanDoes this mean? "
This means that they stick their heads in the sand (or tables,
mined over a large data-known ideas) and not at all
other ostriches (or companies) that surrounds them.
And forget that * nobody * buys into the void. . . and
through which a client speaks to them, have probably already
spoke with virtually any other industry group.
Here's what it's all here
When a customer clicks on your PPC ad, click on a link ine-mail
runs on the page or contraband in the desert and in your
carefully crafted sales page that does not * only * convincing
to buy from you. . . You have to convince them to buy from you
* * Instead of someone else.
And they have that little voice in the back of the head, the quiet
He turns back and launch an attack to ask if they are
right choice.
So, how did you do?
Pressing the objection with the head, so it is reallyclear what
separates you from other guys and tell your customers at any
clearly what is not your product or service *. "
Your weight loss pill is * not * "just another scam unhealthy, that the
going to wreak havoc with your body and leave you fatter than ever
6 months down the line. "
Your real estate seminar * not * "the most recycled overpriced nonsense
You have already heard and ignored before. "
Your seduction ebook is * not * a simple advice seediersay
As the girls go home with you makeup. . . And do
I feel like a loser and a creep.
Launching a copy and so early in your page
two main objectives:
1 It turns out that they are unlike any other
2 is subtly (or not so) intimate that, if that's what you're
* * Is not that what all other people.
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